What do I need to put in my teacher field trip bag for a zoo field trip?
When prepping for a zoo field trip, there are few things more important than making sure your teacher bag is packed and ready to go. Let me help you get ready!

When do I start packing up student supplies at the end of the year?
You made it to the end of the year! There are SO many things to wrap up and pack. It’s hard to even know where to start! Especially when it comes to the disaster that is: student desks…

What do I put in my bag on Field Day?
What exactly do I need to put in my backpack to carry around on Field Day? And… like… what kind of backpack? Here’s my list of all of my Field Day essentials.

What is a teacher supposed to do on the morning of a field trip?
It’s the morning of the field trip…now what? What should a teacher do on the morning of the field trip before leaving the building? What about the students and the chaperones?

What do I need to put in my teacher field trip bag?
When prepping for a field trip, there are few things more important than making sure your teacher bag is packed and ready to go. Let me help you get ready!

What paperwork do I need for field trips (and when?!)?
Field Trips seem to be synonymous with Permission Slips, and while those are important (and I’ll give you my pointers), there are a lot of other papers to consider when prepping for a field trip.

Projectile Vomit? Cool. Now what?
The twisting of the face… the look of panic in the eyes… the stomach grab… the “I don’t feel so good”… it all happens in slow motion.