When do I start packing up student supplies at the end of the year?

You made it to the end of the year! There are SO many things to wrap up and pack up and it’s hard to even know where to start… especially when it comes to the disaster that can be student desks. Do you wait until the last day or risk sending home supplies too early and then be limited on what activities you can do??

When do I start packing up student supplies at the end of the year?

My personal preference: the last 5 days of school.

I like to avoid sending all the desk stuff home the last day (ain't no backpack prepared for that weight) but also don’t want to send it home so early that students don’t have any coloring materials left for the last days of school.

Here’s how I spread out tackling student supplies and desks to avoid the overloaded backpack:


Student Supply Checklist:

5 Days Left

  • Papers and Folders - Have the class go through their folders and make piles (“turn in”, “not sure”, “take home”) and send home folders with any work you don't need to grade

    • Why: Papers tend to be the biggest part of the clutter in desks. So, this will be the hardest part of organizing, but will feel so much better when completed. This also gives you a chance to make sure you have time to grade and get any holes filled on grade cards that you might have missed.

4 Days Left

  • Notebooks - Send home student math, writing, reading notebooks.

    • Why: Typically curriculum is finished at this point so this allows us to get the bulk out of the desks while also letting students have a minute to show off their notebooks to their parents without the distraction of paper avalanches.

3 Days Left

  • Books - Have students return ALL books. This includes: textbooks, classroom library books, regular library books, etc. (*At this point, you want student desks to be clean from about everything except a school supply box with basic art supplies.)

    • Why: Returning books 3 days before the end of the year gives you time to go hunting for books that are missing (and let parents know if they need to check at home).

2 Days Left

  • Clean - Have students help clean and sanitize their desks and other shared classroom areas (wipes, etc). This is also your chance to send home the last round of graded papers.

    • Why: The last day is typically really busy and nobody wants to add cleaning to the to-do list! Students typically really enjoy cleaning (you can even do some shaving cream spelling activities if you want) so it is a good time-filler, too!

Last Day!

  • Supply Box - Pack supply box and any remaining belongings.

    • Why: It’s nice to have the options of markers/crayons/etc until the last minute so students can work on Memory Books or other “fun-tivities” through the last week (without having to bring out all of the shared supplies).

Tackling a little bit at a time can make the end of school year wind down really smoothly, which is such a gift to you AND your students. If you’re interested, I have also created checklists to help organize your tasks for paperwork, closing up your room, and other general end of year tasks.  If you’d like me to send the End of Year checklist your way, just enter your information below!

Want more End of the School Year tips? Check out these posts!


15 Low-Prep Last Day of School Activities


What do I put in my bag on Field Day?