What do I need to put in my teacher field trip bag?

I am a chronic over-packer. Going to be gone for 7 days? I definitely need at least 12 shirts… because who KNOWS what could happen.

So, on my first field trip, I packed all the things I could think of… and then while I was in the thick of it, I realized I had nothing I actually needed.

What do I need to pack in my teacher field trip bag?

Obviously this list changes depending on the field trip. (A museum is very different than a day at the zoo!) But here is my go-to list.



Teacher Field Trip Bag Checklist:

  • Bag! I prefer backpacks so that I remain handsfree. (Here’s a simple backpack that is water resistant, has a wide opening, and all the pockets you could ever need… oh, and plenty of 5 star reviews while staying affordable!)

  • Folder with Paperwork (love this accordion style folder to keep me organized - CUTE and under $10!)

    • Parent Contact Information - I like to have multiple contact information options for each student in case the first was not reachable.

    • Staff/School Contacts (Nurse, Principal, Secretary, Teammates, Bus Driver etc)

    • Chaperone Contact Information

    • Permissions Slips, Waivers

    • Trip Schedule

  • Medical Supplies

    • First Aid Kit with materials like bandaids, wipes, gloves, tissues, hand sanitizer, bags for dirty clothes, etc.

    • Medications and Allergy List from the Nurse. (Make sure you touch base with the Nurse ahead of time so you can get any pertinent information needed for the day.)

  • For Students

    • Name tags and Sharpies (I go with colorful name tags so I can use one color per small group - helps the kids, tour guides, chaperones, AND me!) **P.S. Always bring a few backups

    • Sensory Support Tools - Think about what helps your students be successful in the classroom and pack a travel version (headphones, fidgets, visual schedule for the day, etc)

    • Snacks - Something small like granola bars or fruits snacks can go a long way, especially if students are off their schedule. I sometimes even brought some candy incentives.

  • For YOU

    • Wallet (including $10-15 in cash just in case)

    • Cell Phone (and maybe charger)

    • YOUR lunch (easy, one handed options only - think sandwich, apple, granola bar, etc)

    • Water Bottle (this one from Owala is leak proof which is a MUST)

    • Pens and small notebook (I used this to record any stellar behavior I noticed, things I needed to address upon return to school, or general notes.)

    • Lip Balm

    • Claw clip or Hair ties

    • Jacket (even on indoor field trips because I’m always cold)

    • Mints or cough drops for those inevitable worst-possible-moment-coughing-fits (bonus: peppermints help with bus motion sickness for adults and kids alike)

    • Outdoor Field Trip Supplies: sunscreen, sunglasses, sometimes a small mister fan if you’re feeling extra

    • Pumpkin Patch: Painters tape and markers to label pumpkins

This list has grown and evolved over the years with each new field trip experience but hopefully this gets your wheels turning to help you feel prepared for a fun day! Feel free to copy and paste into your notes app to make it your own!

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Looking for more Field Trip tips? Check out these posts!

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