What paperwork do I need for field trips (and when?!)?

So you’ve chosen the location of your field trip and gotten the date approved. Now what?

It’s time to get that paperwork rolling.

I remember my first year assuming all I needed was a Permission Slip.



Those sweet elementary babies need Reminders, you potentially need Chaperones (which have their own set of paperwork), and so much more.

If you need a place to start, enter your name and email below and I will send you my complete Field Trip Guide including all of the forms I mention in this blog! And it’s free!

How do I know what paperwork to send home for field trips (and when?!)?

Field Trip Forms for Home

  • Permission Slips

    • There are SO many examples out there for permission slips but the main information you will need to communicate are:

      • the answers to "When, Where, What, Why",

      • a place for the parent to say yes or no

      • a request for basic emergency information.

      • Pro tip: Find out any information that is required by your district or the location for parent consent and be sure to include that as well.

  • Chaperone Request Form

    • I like to include the option for parent volunteers as a separate page from the permission slip to help me stay organized and make the different requests more clear for parents/guardians.

  • Reminder Page (Week of the Field Trip)

    • Remind parents of the details for the upcoming field trip including date, time, schedule, weather possibilities (if applicable), and what students need to bring the day-of (if different from their usual school supplies).

Field Trip Paperwork for You

  • Checklist

    • A field trip checklist is a great way to review turned in paperwork. I like to include columns for Name, Permission Slip, Parent Chaperone, Lunch Choice, and Payment (if applicable).

  • Office Info

    • It is SO important to leave information with the office the day of the field trip. This page includes info like:

      • where you are going,

      • how long you will be gone,

      • which students are absent,

      • how to contact you, etc. (I've included my example with the documents at the end of this resource guide available below.)

  • Emergency Info

    • This is a quick reference to bring with you on the trip including parent names, numbers, and student allergy/medical notes or any other special instructions for student care that day.

  • Teacher Info

    • A "one-stop-shop" reference for the actual field trip. This should include important destination info (contact person, number address), a schedule for the day, and a list of student groups if your class will be splitting up.

  • Chaperone Info

    • I like to provide chaperone info sheets to volunteer parents on Field Trip day that includes the teacher contact information, students in their group, and a schedule for the day.

Phew! That should cover it! Next up, what else do you need for YOU? (Yep, we’re talking the holy grail of teacher field trip bags.)

If you’d like to see examples of these forms, enter your email below and I will send you my entire Field Trip guide (for FREE) including those forms!

Looking for more Field Trip tips? Check out these posts!


What do I need to put in my teacher field trip bag?


What information do I need to schedule a field trip?