How do I prepare for Field Day?

My first ever Field Day started off perfectly. Students were having the time of their lives and teachers were able to just enjoy an entire morning planned by someone else (which in May is a TRUE gift).  

The PE teacher had even organized for a fire truck to come as the last rotation and the kids got to play under the larger-than-life waterfall from the fire hose. Talk about a kid’s dream come true!

When I say they were drenched by the end of the morning, I mean dripping from head to toe.

Which was great when we were out in the hot May sun! However… this was the last rotation. Meaning I then had to take these dripping wet third graders inside.

Have you ever seen the famous internet meme of the koala who has gotten drenched? It turns from the cuddliest little angel creature to a near nightmare?


That’s what happened to my third graders.

The second we stepped into my over-achieving-air-conditioner-tundra of a classroom… the tides changed.  

Turns out, there are some downfalls from having the morning rotation of Field Day.  

Downfall: You have the rest of the day.

I didn’t have a solid plan for what to do with the students the rest of the day nor did I adequately prepare for the water side of Field Day.

Needless to say, I spent my lunch time frantically calling parents to see if they could bring a changes of clothes.

So, when the next year came I needed to know: How do I prepare for Field Day?

Now that I have a dozen more Field Days under my belt, here are some of my tried and true tips that returned Field Days to the level of glory I had always dreamed of:

What to do Before Field Day:

  • Send multiple notes home requesting all students bring a change of clothes (including undergarments and socks), towel, AND a change of shoes. Sometimes I even asked that they bring these items the day before so I could call those who had forgotten and give them a bonus chance.

  • Pack for yourself: a hat, whistle, sunscreen, sunglasses, a change of clothes, towel, and a change of shoes for YOU… just in case. (Find my full Field Day Bag Checklist here.)

  • Plan which bathroom you will utilize for changing clothes. (I liked to chat with the other teachers that had the same rotation as me to work out a plan for what class would change where.)

What to do on the Morning of Field Day:

  • Have students put their change of clothes on their desks. This helps make quicker work of changing clothes afterward instead of a crowded slip-and-slide coatroom. It ALSO gives you a chance to make phone calls early if a student forgot and/or you need to make contingency plans.

  • Set a Walmart sack (or trash bag or doggie bag) on each desk for wet clothes to be taken home.

  • Have snacks and water bottles on student desks ready for right after to prevent the hangry-ness.

  • Set out an easy activity for afterward while waiting for everyone to get changed - coloring page, word search, Magic School Bus episode - something that will free you up to monitor students as they go to and from the bathroom to get changed.

  • Line the walkway into your room with cheap beach towels before you go outside for Field Day.


Field Days, like Field Trips, can be one of the best days of the year - just prep for success to avoid the mess!

Looking for more Field Day & End of Year tips? Check out these posts!


What do I put in my bag on Field Day?


What do I need to do at the end of the field trip day?