8 Reflection Questions for Teachers

You did it! It’s May and you are READY for some summer relaxation. You have earned it!

Before I turn the key on my classroom (then blink and it’s August), there are a few questions I like to think through to jot down ideas and to-do’s before my brain officially goes into summer mode. Here’s the page I use to help me organize my thoughts:


What reflection questions should I think about at the end of a school year?

  • Memories:

    • What was a special moment with this year’s class? Any stories or memories you don’t want to forget? Jot them down!

    • Do you have any class photos or notes that you need to file so they don’t get lost? (If you don’t have a designated spot, consider starting a “Sparkle File” where you keep feel-good notes to look at on hard days.)

  • End of Year:

    • Did you do any fun end-of-the-year activities you want to remember and repeat? Or see any in another classroom or on social media that you might want to try next year?

    • Any end-of-year hiccups you want to avoid next year?

  • Projects/Room:

    • Are there any projects you want to do before next school year? Painting a bookshelf, relabeling book boxes, etc.

    • Do you want to change any decor in your classroom? Rearrange the furniture or layout?

    • Think about how you are packing up your room - keep unpacking it in August in mind. Be intentional. Label everything.

  • Overall: What would you like to start, stop, or continue doing next year?


Want more End of the School Year Tips? Check out these posts!


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