What do I need to do at the end of the field trip day?

Phew, you’ve loaded the crew back on the bus. Now what?

What do I need to do at the end of the field trip day?

What To Do After the Field Trip

  1. Roll Call… Again

    • At the location… on the bus… again… maybe even three times.

  2. Enjoy the Quiet

    • The bus ride back to school is usually full of sleepy children. Use this time of quiet to mentally recharge a little, too.

  3. Bye, Helpers!

    • Once back at school, ask the chaperones if they had any issues that need to be addressed at school then dismiss them. If they want to take their student home early, have them check them out in the office like a normal day. Remember to say thank you before they go!

  4. Return Nurse Supplies

    • Make sure to return all medication to the nurse on your way back to the classroom. Don’t wait! That way you don’t risk forgetting to finish this step and accidentally take medication home - yikes.

  5. Student/Class Reflection

    • Do a debrief discussion as a whole group or have students complete a reflection activity. I really recommend doing these reflections on the day of the field trip so they don’t forget what they experienced. Then, have students share!

  6. Thank You Notes

    • Don't put this off! This is a really important step! Write thank you notes to your chaperones and any guides that helped on the field trip. If the location gave a grant, or went out of their way to accommodate your class, write their staff a thank you as well. Don't forget to get your students involved! This can be a really great opportunity for them to learn to express their gratitude and who doesn't love a thank-you from children?!

You made it. Time to start planning your end of field trip day treat. My personal favorite? A few episodes of Gilmore Girls with pizza straight out of the box.

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