What are some strategies for finding deals for my classroom?

It’s time to look for those deaaaaals, babyyyy. (*said like Jean Ralphio from Parks and Rec)

At this point you are READY to hit the town shopping for all of that new-classroom-supply goodness. I won’t keep you from it! Here are my top go-to’s for finding those classroom deals without breaking the bank.

**Remember: Find out if you get a classroom budget from your school or district. Your principal, secretary, or potentially even HR can answer this for you. Make sure you also ask how this money can be spent. Sometimes there are parameters about what it can be used for or where you can purchase from. Sometimes the purchase orders are due in May so the teacher who was there before you may have spent it. Anywho… it never hurts to ask!

Top Classroom Shopping Tips

Free Options for the Classroom

  • Ask Around - It may seem hokey, but throw out a post on Facebook, Instagram, or even email to ask if anyone has supplies laying around they’d like to donate to help you build up your classroom stock. Some teachers even create an Amazon wishlist to attach. You’d be surprised at how many people (and who) might really like to help you out. Be vague or specific - just don’t be afraid to ask!

  • Buy Nothing Facebook Groups - These can be hit-or-miss but sometimes you hit the jackpot in the summer with teachers ready to offload their excess teaching supplies (especially retiring teachers).

  • DonorsChoose - You can make a project for just about anything! I’ve used it for my rug, book boxes, book series, lighting, and more. Search other projects that are currently published to get some ideas. I like to have one up-and-running at all times because you never know when big organizations will come through and complete all of the projects.

  • Carpet Stores - Sometimes they will give out carpet squares for free(!!) if you are in need of cozy reading spots.

Cheap Options for the Classroom

  • Garage Sales - Watch for ads on Facebook and Craigslist or just hit the town on weekends. Garage Sales are especially great for building your Classroom Library.

  • Friends of the Library Sales - Speaking of your Classroom Library, most libraries will throw a “Friends of the Library” sale once a year to offload some of their books. Call your local library to find out more. (You can often get books from $0.10-$1.00!)

  • Dollar General - Don’t knock it. They have great desk storage options and more!

  • Target Dollar Spot - I mean… I can’t leave this off the list. But hit it up QUICK because teachers aren’t messin’ around! You can even ask your local store when they think they will stock the teacher dollar spot items.

“Not too bad” Classroom Options

  • Big Lots - Similar to Dollar General… this is sometimes a good place to find flexible seating options.

  • Walmart - hit up the Back-to-School sale for cheap folders and supplies.

  • Amazon - Of course, Amazon can be a great option to price check but it isn’t always the actual cheapest option, so be sure to compare!

“It’s cute, so…” Classroom Options

Once you’ve searched for all the best deals, sometimes you just gotta go with the cute option regardless of the price. (Especially if it made the “Must-Haves” list in your budget planning.)

  • Target

  • Hobby Lobby

  • Literally any store you love!

Ok, I hope that got your wheels turning! Let me know if you know of any other hidden gems we should add to the list.

Happy shopping!


Looking for more tips? Check out these posts!


What are some tips for setting up a classroom library?


How do I budget for my classroom without breaking the bank?