How do I budget for my classroom without breaking the bank?

OK. You have whittled down that Pinterest board to your most favorite, doable ideas and you are ready to bring them to life. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out my tips for pinning classroom decor and organization ideas HERE.) Now, let’s make those #CLASSROOMGOALS happen.

Can you head to Target and start buying stuff for your classroom right now? Of course. But… it can add up quickly. So, before we dive in head first, let’s take a minute to make a plan for our Plan.

This month I will share some of my favorite shopping tips and a shopping guide of my personal classroom must-haves. But, before we get to all of that, let’s talk about the “b” word…


I know… not the most fun part. Speaking from experience, it’s super important to pause before hitting the store and think seriously about how much of your own money you want to spend on your classroom. A lot of districts don’t send the first paycheck until the end of your first month teaching. So, we’ve gotta make what you have now stretch through that first month.

How to Budget for Your Elementary Classroom

Don’t worry! We’re going to break it down into three manageable steps. (Drop your email below if you’d like me to send you some budget planner printables to help along the way!)

STEP ONE: Make a plan.

  • Starting Balance: Look at your bank account and decide how much you can spend on your room based on what you have RIGHT NOW. If you make more money later and want to add to this amount, great! But let’s give ourselves a safe starting number.

  • Classroom Ideas: Remember all of that dreaming you did? Jot some of those visions down. Themes, vibes, etc.

  • Must-Have Items: Edit the “dream list” down to a specific list of your MUST HAVES. Maybe that’s the lighting, a special rug, or certain types of pens.

  • What does your school provide? Email your secretary or principal to see if you will have any sort of supplied budget to spend on your classroom at the beginning of the year. (If so, add this to your starting amount.) Also ask when you can get into your classroom to see if any supplies are left over from the previous teacher.

STEP TWO: Think in categories.

  • Start thinking through what specific items you need by category. For example, let’s think through your bulletin boards. Some things you might need are: backgrounds, boarders, letters for title, decoration, push pins, etc. Repeat this process for all the big categories in your classroom! (Bulletin Boards, Decorations, Lighting, Student Supplies, Seating, Books, Organization, etc.)

STEP THREE: Make a budget.

  • Now that you’ve thought through decor, must-haves, and all needed supplies, make a list of everything you need to purchase for your classroom.

  • Planned Cost: Start googling and get ballpark costs for everything on your list. Write these costs in the Planned column.

  • Add up your total amount. Does is it fall within your original budget(starting balance)? If not, go back through your list of purchases and identify/prioritize the items you NEED while staying under budget. Consider if any purchases can be delayed until later in the year when more funds might be available orrrr if you can do without that super-cute [fill in the blank] for now

  • Actual Cost: As you buy stuff, write the actual amounts you spend in the Actuals column so you can keep track of what you’ve spent and the remaining available amount.

  • Edit and make changes as you go! Don’t think of your budget as a one-time thing. It will change as your priorities shift, costs change (hopefully you score a great deal!), or the total amount you have to spend changes.

I KNOW how excited you are to FINALLY get to shop for your own classroom. It brings such joy to curate a place where you (and your students) feel at home. There is nothing wrong with wanting it to be the dream you’ve always imagined!

There is also nothing wrong with accepting that you are just starting out so it may take time to get to your dream classroom. Start with a few of the ideas that really excite you and make a plan for what you will save up for next!

You’ve got this.

Want the budget printables to get started with your classroom planning? Drop your email below and I will send them your way!

Looking for more tips? Check out these posts!


What are some strategies for finding deals for my classroom?


What are some Amazon classroom essentials?