Should I join a teacher union?

Unions tend to either be seen as heroes or villains.

So, when you start your teaching career and are presented with the option to join one (for a fee), it can be hard to know the right decision.

Short answer: It’s up to you. (Well, duh, Kendra).

Honestly, I am not going to get into the politics of unions in this post, but instead I want you to know the common benefits so you can decide if it is worth it to you.

Slightly longer answer: I view it like an insurance policy, so, to me, it is worth it in case of emergency. Let me explain…

Benefits of Joining a Teacher Union

  • Negotiations - You have a vote/voice when negotiating teacher salary and benefits (among other factors). This typically comes out as a survey from the union and then they speak on the teachers’ interests (and frequently have success).

  • Legal Support - (one of my biggest reasons) They provide legal advice as well as representation to teachers who get involved in lawsuits during employment. No one wants to consider this possibility, and I sincerely hope you never have to use this “benefit”. But, in the event you are faced with the possibility of legal action, even if you have not done anything wrong, belonging to the union could save tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and reduce the likelihood of going to court. 

  • Support in medical emergency/issue - Unions can help if you end up needing to negotiate a phased return to work or adaptations/accommodations due to illness or injury.

  • Financial perks - Some unions have really great discounts you can take advantage of!

Unions are not created equally so definitely ask around and research your options, but in my opinion, it’s worth the small monthly amount to have the peace of mind.  

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