What do I wear for Meet the Teacher? (and other things to think through)

Ok, you have your papers printed and the room is set up to perfection.

Now is the time to focus on the people - mainly YOU. (Because let’s be honest… you can have everything perfectly organized and the perfect atmosphere set, but if you are feeling uneasy or unprepared, all of that work can feel meaningless.)

How do I prepare myself for Meet the Teacher Night?

You want to think through:

  1. Wardrobe - Your goal is to look like the “you” version of a teacher, not a CEO. (Unless that’s your style!) The key here is an outfit that makes YOU feel confident and comfortable. For me, that’s: colored pants, a flowy shirt, and comfy flats. Here is a link to my Pinterest Board where I keep all of my favorite teacher outfit inspiration. (And there’s a planning page in the Meet the Teacher freebie to help you keep track of your ideas!)

  2. Supplies - Have a notebook and pen handy for anything a parent tells you that you don’t want to forget (think allergies, schedules, life events, etc.). Also consider packing a water bottle, snacks, mints, chapstick, and hair spray to have on hand.

  3. Conversation Tips - Have some questions ready in your back pocket for conversation lulls. (How was your summer? What are you most looking forward to this school year? What were you most proud of last year? What’s your favorite summer treat?).

If you’d like me to send you my Meet the Teacher Quick Start guide (with planning sheets and tons of tips) enter your email below!

Meet the Teacher Freebie

It’s impossible to get rid of alllll of the butterflies, but I do think that when you feel good, it helps. Here’s to dressing for success! You’ve got this.

Looking for more tips? Check out these posts!


How do I plan my First Day of School?


What papers do I actually need for Meet the Teacher?