What are some easy Halloween Party craft ideas?

Have no fear! (Other than maybe of spiders, because they’re obviously creepy…)

I have scoured the internet and found the best, easy, low-prep craft (dare I say “craftivities”?) to share with you.

Here’s to having a smooth and spooktacular Halloween classroom party! And check out my Pinterest board below for ALL my favorite Fall Party craft ideas!

10 Easy Halloween Crafts for Elementary Teachers to Use for Classroom Parties

1. Yarn Spider Webs

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Hot glue 3 craft sticks together

  2. Wrap yarn starting in the middle and weaving in a spiral

  3. Glue on plastic spider!

Source/Full tutorial: https://typicallysimple.com/craft-stick-spiderwebs/

2. Watercolor Webs and Spiders

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Draw web on white cardstock square with white crayon

  2. Use watercolors to paint directly on top of the web drawing (magic!)

  3. Cut circle and legs out of black cardstock, glue on googly eyes, draw on a mouth, and attach!

Source/Full Tutorial: https://www.ourkidthings.com/watercolor-spider-web-craft/

3. Ghost Blow Straw Craft

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Put dots of white paint on black cardstock

  2. Use bendy straws to blow the dots and create the ghost smear; let dry

  3. Add googly eyes and mouths

Source/Full Tutorial: https://www.craftymorning.com/ghost-blow-straw-craft/

4. Haunted House Handprint Craft

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Trace handprint on colored construction paper or cardstock

  2. Cut the various shapes out of black and yellow to decorate the house

  3. Glue and assemble!

Source/Full Tutorial: https://www.mombrite.com/haunted-house-handprint-craft/

5. Mini Halloween Piñata

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Use double-sided tape to secure the crepe paper to one side of the toilet paper roll to close opening and fill roll with candy or small toys (Hint: don’t pack it too tightly or the pieces won’t fall out well!)

  2. Cover the other end of the tube just like you did before except include a small tag before securing in place. (This is what they pull to release the goods!)

  3. Wrap the crepe paper around the tube and secure with double-sided tape. Add some googly eyes to seal the deal!

Source/Full Tutorial: https://diycandy.com/halloween-kids-craft-mummy-pinata/

6. Handprint Spiders and Yarn Webs

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Punch holes around the perimeter of the paper plate and then use paint or markers/crayons to decorate the background

  2. Fold black construction paper in half, trace hand, and cut - when you unfold, you’ll have a spider! Don’t forget to attach the googly eyes!

  3. Use the yarn to create a web by thread it across the plate through the holes. Once the web is created, tuck or glue the spider in place!

Source/Full Tutorial: https://onelittleproject.com/handprint-spider-craft/

7. Coffee Filter Bats

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Flatten the coffee filter and color a design on it (I like using black, purple, and blue for the bat’s wings). Spritz it with a water bottle to create the watercolor effect.

  2. Attach googly eyes, little triangles for ears, and draw a mouth with a white gel pen on the black clothespin for the bat’s body.

  3. Fold the dry coffee filter in fourths and cut a scallop edge with scissors. Then unfold the filter to half and cut a slit up from the scalloped edge. Next open the clothespin and insert the wings. 

Source/Full Tutorial: https://www.darcyandbrian.com/coffee-filter-bats-halloween-craft-for-kids/

8. Pom Pom Spiders

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Cut the pipe cleaners in half and add the beads (don’t forget to fold over the ends to secure the beads)

  2. Glue the legs to the black pompom body (I prefer hot glue for this step)

  3. Add googly eyes and let dry!

Source/Full Tutorial: https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/halloween-spider-kids-craft/

9. Yarn Mummy

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Cut the mummy body out of cardboard, paint black, and let dry

  2. Use glue dots (or tacky glue) to attach googly eyes and cut slits around the edge of the cardboard body to help with wrapping.

  3. Cut a long piece of yarn, tape one end to the back of the mummy body, wrap from head to toe, and tape the other end to the back of the mummy to secure!

Source/Full Tutorial: https://iheartcraftythings.com/yarn-wrapped-mummy-craft.html

10. Painted/Glitter Pumpkins

What You’ll Need:

How to Make It:

  1. Have students write their names on the bottom of their pumpkins AND the paper plates.

  2. Let students choose between paint -or- glitter. If choosing glitter, have them “paint” the glue on the pumpkin in whatever design they want and then add glitter. (Tip: don’t let them go back and forth between glue and glitter or you’ll end up with a goopy mess. One coating of glue, then off to the glitter!)

  3. Let dry and enjoy!

Source: www.teacherquestions.com

Bonus: If you’re looking for game ideas instead of crafts, be sure to check out my Pinterest board with great STEM options for your students!

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